Different Types of Brain Tumor Treatment

In the treatment of brain tumors in Delhi, various specialists often work together to make patients' general care plans that combine multiple care types. This is known as a multidisciplinary group. Your care group can combine various medical professionals, such as doctor colleagues, professional nurses, oncology workers, social workers, drug specialists, nutritionists, and others. It is essential to have a treatment group focusing on individuals with brain tumors, which may mean chatting with clinical experts through your environment to determine different treatment methods.

Different Types of Treatment options available depending upon the various factors: 

  • The patient's preferences and overall health
  • size, type, and grade of the tumor
  • If it is a fixed tumor or has been spreading to other parts of the CNS or body
  • The possibility of side effects
  • If the tumor is putting pressure on critical parts of the brain

Different Types of Treatment for Brain Tumor


Surgery is the expulsion of tumors, and some include solidification of tissue. Usually, the primary support is used for cerebrum tumors. This regularly individual treatment is needed for second-level cerebral tumors. Eliminating tumors can improve neurological indications, as it provides interfaces to outcomes and genetic inquiries, helping to eliminate brain tumors successfully.

Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy is the utilization of high-energy x-beams or different particles to eradicate tumor cells. Specialists may utilize radiation therapy to moderate or stop the development of a brain tumor. It is commonly given after a medical procedure along with conceivable chemotherapy. A specialist who has practical experience in providing radiation therapy to treat a tumor is known as a radiation oncologist.

Medicinal Therapy

Systemic therapy refers to the utilization of the drug to eliminate tumor cells. This kind of drug is given through the circulatory system to reach tumor cells throughout the body. Systemic therapy is supported by clinical oncologists, a specialist who has practical experience treating tumors with drugs. Neuro experts can also provide systemic care.

The standard approach to providing systemic treatments combines intravenously (IV), putting drugs into veins that utilize needles or, in pills form, can be swallowed (orally).


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