4 Conditions that can lead to neurosurgery
This might come to you as a surprise that a simple headache might lead to neurosurgery for the cause deep-rooted in the human biological system. In general, people think an injury or tumor in the brain will call for a neurosurgeon.
In fact, it's not only the accident or injury that needs surgical treatment but if you are facing an unexplainable headache that might occur in clusters for days or sometimes weeks. Accompanied with this blurred vision or vertigo such headaches might originate from causes deep-seated in Spine, central nervous system, or Brain. These three are the sites of action when it comes to Neurosurgery that can also compel you to search for neurosurgeon in Delhi, Gurgaon or Faridabad.
Few other conditions which should not be ignored as they might lead to Neurosurgery include:
- Facing difficulty in grasping objects.
- Tinnitus is a medical condition when there is a ringing in the ears and if not treated on time, it can cause serious issues.
- Stiffness around the neck that prevents sideways movement of the neck should not be ignored for long.
- Pain those are chronic and severe enough to disturb daily routine should be treated on time to avoid the situation of surgery.
Any damage arising out of the Central Nervous System, Brain, or Spinal Cord will need a neurosurgeon. Falls, accidents might be the common cause of head injuries leading to headaches due to blood clots and broken bones. These broken bones or blood clots are then needed to be operated on to remove the broken bone fragments and removal of blood clots. The broken bones are then healed with surgical interventions. Neurosurgeons are hence referred when a physician or a neurologist finds a nerve inflammation causing severe pain calling for surgical intervention.
Now talking about a reliable and experienced neurosurgeon near you, Dr Mukesh Pandey is a good choice. He explains how every pain could be a sign of some nerve inflammation and provides timely treatment.
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