
Showing posts from October, 2024

Know about Brain stroke in detail

The main reason for the stroke is the decreasing supply of oxygen to the brain. This could result from a brain bleed or a blockage in the blood flow. In the event of an emergency, treatment for life-threatening disorders should be sought out right away. Stroke most commonly occurs as an ischemic stroke, making up 87% of all stroke cases. A blood clot prevents blood and oxygen from reaching a specific brain area. A hemorrhagic stroke is a medical illness caused by a ruptured blood vessel. These are typically the result of aneurysms or arteriovenous malformations (AVMs). A transient ischemic attack (TIA) occurs when insufficient blood flow to a particular brain area for a brief time. After a short while, regular blood flow returns, and the condition's symptoms go away on their own without any treatment. Stroke can result in severe casualties, but the number of cases has reduced due to recent scientific developments, and people have started recovering from it. You should always keep a

Symptoms of a Brain Tumor

A brain tumor is the development of a mass of cells in the brain. These tumors can arise from the brain matter, the nerves or the blood vessels, the pituitary gland or glandular stimuli, the epiphysis, or the arachnoid membrane. Primary brain tumors start from the cells inside the brain. The secondary ones occur in other parts of the body and then spread to the brain. Also, a person having such a tumour can face various symptoms. Thus, they can manage the condition with a prompt evaluation by a trauma center in Faridabad . Headaches This is the typical sign of the presence of a brain tumor. Specially when you are trying to sleep, it can get worse. In this condition, severe pain occurs, accompanying nausea and vomiting. Thus, do not ignore continuous and severe headaches. Seizures These are brief asymptomatic disturbances like occasional confusion or change in feelings to tonic-clonic seizures. Also, you can get convulsions and unconsciousness. They include partial seizures in only one