
Showing posts from December, 2018

Roles and responsibility of Neurosurgeon

Human body is complex system, that entire system working on bases of 5 major body organs these are brain, heart, lungs, liver and kidneys. All these 5 organs are responsible to perform majority of function in the body. There the brain is working like CPU, controlling, processing and commanding rest of the organ and their functionalities. To maintain control over the other body organ and its functionality, brain has to send and receive signals. At that point nervous system comes into the existence; nervous system is like communication channel or networking system that are responsible establish communication between brain and other body parts. So we can say whatever action our body do either conscious or unconscious its made by the help of nervous system. If due to any reason, fully or parsley nervous system fails then impact will reflect as body part or organ. What Neurosurgeon dose? Neurosurgeon are specialist, they take care of all brain and nervous system, as well as t

Meaning and Reason for Brain Damage

The brain is the most important part of your entire body as all your daily routine works, your feelings, remembering and many other tasks cannot be completed without a brain. It is your brain only that helps you to identify the danger nearby, and also gives the command to react according to the situation. Some people have a very sharp brain, and some people have this ability relatively low, whereas some a bit of intelligence. This capacity may vary person to person which is normal. But brain damage is not a not a normal condition it is a very serious subject. Brain damage has a profound impact on all our physical functions, due to which a person can live in lifetime coma and may even die. Below are some reasons behind brain damage. Having knowledge of these reasons will help you take the precautionary steps to ensure safety of your brain. A strong blow to head : Meeting with a major accident, getting head injuries during sports, or falling from a height can be the reasons of cl