
Showing posts from 2018

Roles and responsibility of Neurosurgeon

Human body is complex system, that entire system working on bases of 5 major body organs these are brain, heart, lungs, liver and kidneys. All these 5 organs are responsible to perform majority of function in the body. There the brain is working like CPU, controlling, processing and commanding rest of the organ and their functionalities. To maintain control over the other body organ and its functionality, brain has to send and receive signals. At that point nervous system comes into the existence; nervous system is like communication channel or networking system that are responsible establish communication between brain and other body parts. So we can say whatever action our body do either conscious or unconscious its made by the help of nervous system. If due to any reason, fully or parsley nervous system fails then impact will reflect as body part or organ. What Neurosurgeon dose? Neurosurgeon are specialist, they take care of all brain and nervous system, as well as t

Meaning and Reason for Brain Damage

The brain is the most important part of your entire body as all your daily routine works, your feelings, remembering and many other tasks cannot be completed without a brain. It is your brain only that helps you to identify the danger nearby, and also gives the command to react according to the situation. Some people have a very sharp brain, and some people have this ability relatively low, whereas some a bit of intelligence. This capacity may vary person to person which is normal. But brain damage is not a not a normal condition it is a very serious subject. Brain damage has a profound impact on all our physical functions, due to which a person can live in lifetime coma and may even die. Below are some reasons behind brain damage. Having knowledge of these reasons will help you take the precautionary steps to ensure safety of your brain. A strong blow to head : Meeting with a major accident, getting head injuries during sports, or falling from a height can be the reasons of cl

Brain and Spine Tumors: Grades and Treatment

Earlier in the ancient world, there was very less awareness about cancer disease, its types, symptoms, and cure, which caused a number of deaths. Thanks to the advanced technology, now people are highly aware of this disease and also they are so conscious of their health. They notice changes in their health and contact the concerned doctor before the problem takes a severe turn. This is really very good. Cancer is a very dangerous disease and only awareness can raise the success ratio of cancer treatment. But still, there are a very big number of people who are not aware of this disease and are not health conscious. It’s very important to spread awareness among them. The number of patients with brain tumor has been increasing for a few years, making it essential for the people to be aware of its symptoms and right treatment. The growth of cancerous tissues in our brain and spinal cord is called brain and spine tumors. To enhance your knowledge in this special type of tumor you need

Neurological disorder- types and symptoms

Neurological disorder is a very common problem that can happen with anyone in any age group. This disease does not spread by touching and eating or talking with someone. A patient, suffering from this disease needs a loving, sympathetic, caring and positive environment. Such an environment with neurological treatment encourages the patients to recover quickly and lead a normal life. There are five common neurological disorders that affect the normal life of affected people: Strokes Brain tumor Spinal cord disorder/ tumors Alzheimer's Multiple sclerosis Below are some signs and symptoms of neurological disorder to help you to catch the situation at initial stage and start looking for the best Neurologist in Faridabad : Signs and symptoms:  Signs may vary as per the type or condition of disorder. Emotional symptoms are most likely seen in such patients as compared to physical symptoms for example- Mood swing / sudden outburst Depression or delusion In physical sy

Tips to choose best Neurology hospitals in Delhi/NCR

Have you made a decision of consulting a neurologist? Then, the other important decision which you need to make is to choose the best neurology hospital in Faridabad , Delhi NCR. As you will be completely dependent on the neurologist to diagnose your neurological disease and decreases your neurological issues. So, with this blog you will get enlightened with the basic tips which can help you better to choose the best neurologist in India: Research the quality of Hospital As you are going to have your neurological disorder gone by taking the treatment in a hospital. Thus, it is extremely important to consider the quality as well as care by the hospital where the neurologists treat their patients. The quality of the hospital matters more to them as patients will get fewer complications and good rate for survival. Moreover, it is important to choose the perfect location of a hospital. Start by Referrals\ Now start by reviewing the list of your referrals which has been provided by y

Symptoms and Cure of the Most Common Type of Brain Tumor

Our central nervous system (brain) controls the functioning of entire body parts. Pollution, unbalanced diet, hectic schedule, less sleep, accident, and many other reasons can affect the power of your brain. Due to blockage and the growth cancerous tissues can be a reason of brain tumor . Tumors are the very dangerous disease of the brain.  There are various types of tumors, some grow very fast but some tumors grow slowly. Tumors can form in other parts of the body also. In brain tumors, Glioblastoma multiforme is the most common type of brain tumor with most deadly results. Symptoms: To fight with a brain tumor, this is important to be careful about the early symptoms. If you notice some sudden unavoidable changes in your body, you should immediately see a doctor and get all the tests done. Some of the early symptoms of brain tumor might be: A headache Vomiting Nausea Sudden voice change Low vision and improper hearing Poor balancing Memory loss The low ability to concen

What are the best Qualities of A best Neurologist in Faridabad

Most of the individuals encounter with the neurological issues nowadays. Well, some of worse. e neurological issues are just minor but some of them need intense treatment with the best neurologist. Finding the best neurologist in Faridabad is a daunting as well as tough task. All it needs is just a little research by you so as to get the treatment by the best doctor. Most of the individuals mostly get confused with the neurologist or a neurosurgeon and might end up getting the wrong doctor Well this only wastes up your time and make up the problem Faridabad is home for most of the experienced neurologists as well as surgeons as it is easy to find deal with the medical condition. Below are some of the qualities which neurologists need to have: Diligent Attitude The neurologist is required to have some diligence and patience to see the case with the patient as much time consuming while observing or monitoring the patient. Even the doctors need to keep the eye on the activity of th

How to get rid of chronic pain with a surgery?

Chronic low back pain can be a major symptom in many cases. If a person is suffering from the same for quite some time now, then he needs to get treated really soon. This pain needs to vanish and one can only get rid of it when he or she would undergo a back surgery. To access the same, disc replacement treatment   takes place in a few clinics and hospitals. These clinics are well equipped with latest quality equipments and technology. All the doctors are highly skilled and qualified. This surgery would help you get back to working normally and post the surgery, you wouldn’t feel any pain.                     Disc replacement treatment in North Delhi takes into consideration all the possible factors and symptoms the patient is experiencing and only on the basis of that, further treatment is given. An experienced team of surgeons carries out the surgery and the entire treatment benefits the patient. It takes years of experience for a doctor to carry out the surgery successfully. W

A Promising Therapy for Brain Stroke

Stroke is one of the most common emergencies of neurology across the globe. The treatment as well as outcome of treating this stroke mainly depends on how early patients have been taken for the treatment to the hospital. Well, it has been seen that some percentage of stroke patients arrive within the period of the window has crucially increased that cause more and more patients to get eligible for the thrombolytic therapy. Well, this therapy has been offered with a recovery of likelihood and offered by the neurologist. So, choose the best neurologist  who offers the best standard protocol for the stroke with advanced treatment. If you take the patient late suffering from the stroke then, it sometimes becomes difficult for the neurologist to handle the patient Since the stroke is a big issue for the patients so, it is important to choose a neurologist who treats their patients with the utmost care and provide them with the treatment that can make them well. Well in Delhi there are

Detailed about Endoscopy Brain Surgery

Endoscopic brain surgery  is a kind of process being used to cure the brain tumors. This procedure is considered as a minimally invasive surgery which allows neurosurgeons to easily identify as well as treat the conditions which are deep inside the brain. The endoscopic surgery mainly allows treating the brain tumors less invasively than the traditional procedure being used for the brain surgery. This procedure gives an in-depth view of the brain of the neurosurgeons. At the time of this procedure, thing tubing which transmits the video images of the brain has been inserted within one or two small incisions in the skull or through an opening hole in the body. This equipment which is alike tube known as an endoscope and has a small camera which allows the neurosurgeon to vision the detailed images of the issue in the brain. The approaches of endoscopic have been transformed completely from the traditional way and give a clear visualization of brain tumors. Thus, this technique not

When to Visit Neurosurgeon- Symotoms of the Brain Disorders

Most of the neurological disorder mainly start with the subtle symptoms which people mostly brush off just as nothing. Moreover, as disorders progress symptoms can become highly prominent and need attention from the neurosurgeon. Below are some of the symptoms which indicates the serious brain disorder: Having Debilitating Fatigue Do you ever feel tired or you run down after some illness, period or stress after your busy holiday season?  The fatigue after the period of the prolonged stress to the body is just a normal reaction which can easily be remedy from the proper relaxation and stress. If you come to a point which you simply feel so much tired that you physically cannot normally function such that you experience something much serious The chronic fatigue syndrome is a kind of the neurological disorder is known for the long period of the debilitating fatigue. Well, this is not the regular fatigue, the chronic fatigue syndrome does not get accompanied by the consistent headache

Brain Tumor - Get Treatment at Brain and Spine Care India

Most of the individuals get feared for the neurological diseases or disorders that has been firstly wiped out. With the advancement in medical technology as well as competent doctors available in an industry now it is possible to treat a brain tumor. Our ignore plays a big issue in persisting issue which makes doctors treat the neurological issue as a fatal. Now brain tumor treatment is available in Delhi. Most of the neurological issues come up with some common symptoms such as back pain, nausea, headache but we do not focus on these symptoms. Most of us completely ignore it or simply get administer ourselves which sometimes makes the situation aggravates. Brain tumors are the kinds of the cell that start growing abnormally inside the spinal canal or brain. Each and every tumor which grows in central spinal are particularly known as brain tumors and had the capacity to destroy brain cell or will damage them by cause not due inflammation causing unwanted pressure or growth on any

Neurological Symptoms Not Required to Ignore

The body of a human is not less than just a miracle. The body of a human is made up of complex but extraordinary systems. The unbelievable functions that human body performs leave doctor as well as scientists cofounded. One such system is known as the neurological system of the human body. It contains billions of the neurons or nerve cells in our body which used to perform various voluntary activities which helps in daily activities. Further, if there is an issue in the neurological system, an individual can get issues in speaking, moving, breathing, swallowing, or learning. According to the doctors, 600 neurologic diseases are present which includes migraines, epilepsy, degenerative diseases, Huntington's diseases, brain tumors and others. Suffering from the neurological disease might sometimes leave a great impact not only on the life of the patient but also on the life of other related with them. It is highly important that an individual should get medical assistance from a

How to find best neurologist while suffering from numerous sclerosis?

What is about Neurology and treatment? The multiple sclerosis is a disabling disorder of the brain and spinal cord This kind of disease takes place when the immune system attacks protective shield named myelin which covers nerve fibers and causes communication issue among brain and other body parts. Moreover, this disease can weaken down the nerves or damage it permanently.  This results in various symptoms such as vision, body weakness, walking issue, and another urinary issue. If the patient is having this kind of issue, then consulting a neurologist is the best option. But still, with the rise of neurologists, it is important to choose the best one.  The knowledge, as well as the expertise of the neurologist, plays a vital role to examine neurological disease and minimizing it. Getting the treatment done in best neurologist hospital can ensure to provide the recovery instantly. Below are some factors that need to keep in mind while choosing a neurologist: Take some Referra

Where to get Brain Tumor Treatment in Delhi

The brain tumor is a kind of surgery which is performed to get rid of the tumor from the brain. In other words, it can be said that it is an operation which is done to reduce pressure inside the brain. This surgery has been performed to remove the tumor completely as possible. Basically, this brain tumor treatment in Delhi is an initial step for treating the beginning stages for tumors. Most of the individuals are seeking for the brain tumor treatment and seek out for best neurology hospital  where you can easily get well treated. Treating the tumors successfully It is highly challenging to treat the tumors successfully. The brain tumor surgery is much difficult of a tumor is in a delicate part of the brain. But, in the past few years research has helped surgeons to offer better treatment options. There are different kinds of tumors which respond to the chemotherapy. Malignant The brain tumors are malignant which generally can be removed and grow back. This malignant tumor has

What is about Neurology & Treatment

Neurology is a kind of science that is being used to deal with the study as well as treatment of the nervous system and its issues. There are two components of the nervous system: Central Nervous System: This nervous system basically involves the brain as well as the spinal cord. Peripheral Nervous system: This is a kind of the nervous system which involves some other neutral element such as the ears, eyes, skin and some other receptors. The neurologist is a professional medical doctor who is specialized in the neurology, treating the issues of the brain, nerves, and spinal cord. Some of the issues of the nervous system are: Several sclerosis Aneurysm clipping Headaches Strokes Disorders which causes seizures Spinal cord disorders The neurology not just includes the surgery or the medication, but it also involves the therapy as well as rehabilitation. These procedures used to come under the gamut of the neurology. The disease is such as the depression that can also

How to Pick Best Neurologist in North Delhi?

Disorder in the nervous system? Wish to see a neurologist? Since you are all set to consult a neurologist, there’s one more vital decision to make. That is how to find the best neurologist in your area . For residents of North Delhi or NCR or those who are flying down to the city for medical help can certainly consult the neurologist . As you go through the blog, the top secrets to choose the ideal neurologist will be unfolded. References Help Great: Probably, the easiest and the most reliable way to find the best doctor is to get references from near and dear ones. Ask colleagues, relatives, friends and others who can recommend better. Seeking help from the primary doctor can be very beneficial. Make a list of top neurologists, do some research to know their experience and other credentials. Check His Approachability: Two-way communication is outstandingly important. If the communication between the doctor and the patient is clear, the result will be awesome. Make su

What is brain tumor and to get it treated?

Brain is the most important and essential organ of a human body and this makes us realize what a patient goes through when he is detected with brain tumor. We all wonder what actually brain tumor is; to explain it we may say that it is a growth of abnormal cells in the brain wherein this growth may be cancerous or non-cancerous. It can be cured, without any doubt. Brain tumor treatment is basically a surgery the patient has to go through and there are different types of brain tumor which are operated. The first and the very basic type is Primary tumor and it is the one where the tumor has just originated in the cells of the brain and hasn’t yet spread to other parts; so it’s the less risky type and the one which can be cured easily. The other type of brain tumor deals with Secondary tumor. It is the primary tumor which has spread to other parts of the body and can be seen easily with the help of medical equipments . Another brain tumor treatment would deal with Benign tumor where

Neurology and Spine Treatment in Delhi

One of the most important branches of medical science is Neurology which takes care of the nervous system of one’s body. Being the most important asset with a human being, the nervous system demands utmost care and this care is being offered by the neurology treatment in Faridabad , Delhi. There are a number of clinics and hospitals in the capital city of the country whichs make sure that if a patient with any problem in the nervous system visits them, they give the best treatment and make him/her absolutely healthy. Proper rehabilitation and diagnosis is done and with the help of proper medicines, the patient becomes able to come out of the issues being faced by him/her. Also, the doctors take care of the surgical procedures which they seem fit for the patient. These doctors who carry out the Neurology treatment in Delhi are well qualified and only post proper verification; they are employed and assigned the patients. When it comes to endoscopy, a surgical tool is used to operate t